Features :

  • Multiple server configuration
  • Query Filters:
  •     -Patient ID
  •     -Patient Name
  •     -Study Date-wise : Any date / Today / Yesterday / Last week / Last month / Between two dates
  •     -Accession Number
  •     -Birth date
  •     -Modalities
  •     -Referring Physician
  •     -Study Description
  • Configurable query buttons for immediate query.
  • Configurable Presets.
  • Retrieve studies from Remote DICOM Server and store it in local database.
  • Display available studies from local database.
  • Immediate thumbnail view (series-wise) while click on query result.
  • Indication (green ball) for local studies in query result.
  • Indication (yellow ball), progress bar for studies in retrieve.
  • Provision to add/verify/edit/delete remote DICOM servers.
  • Provision to add/delete quick search buttons.
  • Provision to change theme.
  • Provision to replace quick search buttons.
  • Provision to configure active modalities.
  • Provision to add/edit/delete presets for each modality.
  • Display the selected image in viewer when double clicking on thumbnail (Only from local).
  • Configurable listener ( AE Tilte, Port) for local (client machine).
  • Note: Quick search buttons, Modalities, Servers,Presets,Listener are user based configuration.
  • The Mainscreen will be displayed in first monitor and viewer screen will be displayed in second monitor in Multiple monitor configuration.

The following features are available in viewer:

    Vertical and Horizontal flip.
    Left and Right rotate.
    Display scout lines.
    Stack navigation of images (change image while dragging).
    Reload image
    Series synchronization.
    Text Overlay.
    Open multiple series for comparison (Layout).
    Original window level.Window width adjustment.
    Preset WL/WW values.
    Zoom in and zoom out .
    Display HU, X, Y values.
    Display Meta-data.
    Draw lines with measurement.
    Draw rectangles with measurement.
    Draw circles with measurement.
    Draw arrows with measurement.
    Movement of Annotations.
    Deletion of Annotations.
    Loop (Cine loop).
    Zoom image to fit canvas (screen).
    Display image orientation.
    Change image orientation while horizontal/vertical flip, left/right rotate.
    Thumbnail series view (By default first,middle and last images).
    Provision to change thumbnail series view (All / First / First,Middle,Last).
    Current image indicator in series thumbnail.
    Change image while scrolling.
    Change image while clicking on thumbnail.
  • Features In Context Menu in Viewer
  1.     - Contrast
  2.     - Move
  3.     - Scroll
  4.     - ROI
  5.     - Selection of other series

The following features will be aded to future versions:

  • Login security
  • Open multiple series for comparison side by side
  • Tiled view within a series
  • DICOM Video
  • Hanging Protocol
  • More configuration options
  • Support for Multi-frame images(partially developed)
    Provision to view multi-frame images.
    Multi-frame images can be changed while mouse scrolling.
    Multi-frame images will be displayed as separate series.

Screen Shot